After getting to be at my side for almost 13 years, Smokey decided she was ready to go outside for good. She is under the cherry trees next to Punkin. We loved her more than any cat could ever be loved! She will be greatly missed by all.
We headed out to the Wallows and saw this Red-naped sapsucker while we were having a picnic lunch.
This osprey wasn't as excited to see us and we were to see him. We already had lunch and didn't want to share his lunch at all! I got this picture out of the sunroof of the car. I didn't think I wanted a sunroof until I found a new use for it.
The great blue heron - I thought this was an interesting angle.
This mother black-capped chickadee was keeping a close eye on her youngster.
I know this isn't birds....but it is important to me to post my graduation. After many years of going to school after work, I finished my business degree through EOU online. The graduation gave me a chance to meet some of my professors and other students I interacted with online.
Chuck was very proud and excited for it to be done too.
Mom surprised me and came to the graduation.
My advisor - Sue - She was so helpful all the way!
We went to Sauvie Island today since we heard that the bald eagles were still around. We saw a couple of younger ones (not a full white head yet) and then the older ones. This one was circling around to get some dinner.
This is right before he went down and out of my sight.
This osprey was flying around its nest with a fish. The fish is only a half fish, so we weren't quite sure where the other half ended up. Blah - good for him.
I had to capture this Cedar Waxwing picture through the window. There were two of them gathering nesting materials. I can't wait to see where they end up next.
The Black-Headed Grosbeak sure has an appropriate name.
Here is the female. The male was enjoying the feeder.
I think this one is a juvenile.
And of course the bird couple feeding together. Isn't that cute?